why should I participate

The TTO’s Competency Survey is a diagnostic tool that supports the organizations of Technology Transfer Offices and support staff involved in developing student entrepreneurship and knowledge exchange between academia and industry. Participation in the survey will provide tangible benefits to you and your organization.

Benefits for you:

  • you will learn the most critical competencies of a technology transfer office employee,
  • you will determine your level of these competencies,
  • you will learn the opinion of your colleague about your competencies,
  • you will receive developmental guidance and advice on how to develop a particular competency.

Benefits for the organization:

  • determining in which areas a person should be developed so that they feel their potential is being realized
  • supporting managers and team leaders in day-to-day cooperation, e.g., at the level of conflict resolution and prevention
  • building effective teams
  • examining training/competency development needs - determining in which areas an employee may need support to maintain or increase their effectiveness and achieve personal and, at the same time, corporate goals.